
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

It’s Official: I’m OVERWHELMED!

 Louise, on the Other Hand, is TOTALLY RELAXED!

So this happens every now and then.  And it’s happening now.  I’m overwhelmed.  I have too many art obligations on the upcoming horizon to feel remotely comfortable. I have several fall shows lined up for my jewelry.  On top of trying to prepare for that I’ve been working on several other creative things.  I’m all over the place.  Can you relate?

Anyway, over my morning coffee this is what I do these days.  I look at my BIG calendar and wonder how can I squeeze more days into the month?  How can I squeeze more hours into the day and more minutes into the hour?
Recently I've been working hard trying to paint.  It takes so long for me to paint.  But I’m not complaining.  I love painting! 
I’m painting for two reasons. I’ve been asked to provide artwork to be used for the Arts in the Park 2017 art show poster.  I’m really excited about this opportunity.  And the other reason I’m painting is that my work is going to be featured in Amiro Art and Design through the months of October, November and December.  I’ll be in there with new book necklaces, paintings and assemblages that I’ve been working on lately.
I’m also working hard at trying to get lots of jewelry made for my fall jewelry Show Schedule.

Louise, on the other hand, is totally relaxed.  She loves hanging either with me in the studio or just outside the door, whenever I'm working in there.  I think if the truth were to be told, she's an artsy girl on the inside (like me), even though she's a little bulldog on the outside (not like me at all).

Thanks for reading!

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