I used to say “I’m so busy” all the time. Well, it’s still true but I try not to say it anymore. I prefer to say I have a “full schedule”. Doesn’t that sound better? I feel like the phrase “I’m so busy” sends a message. I don’t have time for this, that, the other thing or (even worse) you. The word “busy” to me implies a frantic state, somewhat like a running around or even a somewhat “frazzled” state of mind. But when I use the phrase “full schedule” it feels grounded. It feels like I’m saying my feet are on the ground and I have a calm approach to the things that are going on in my life. It feels like I’m saying I elect to have a lot on my plate. It’s my choice because I’m one of those types of people who enjoys and prefers having a lot going on all at the same time. It makes me feel productive and it makes me feel like the fullness has a lot more to do with my purpose and intention than anything else. Can you relate?