
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Painted Terra Cotta Bits and Pieces

Over the years I’ve potted A LOT of flowers and herbs.  And as a result, I’ve amassed quite an impressive collection of broken bits and pieces of terra cotta pots.  I keep them around because I put one in the bottom of each newly potted plant for good luck.  May sound weird but it’s just what I do. 

I was looking at my bowl full of terra cotta shards the other day and felt a little tug of inspiration. 

I cleaned them well with soap and water and once they dried I lightly sanded them.

I painted them with black India ink.  I’m sure you could use acrylic paint too. 

Then I sprayed them with a little bit of polyurethane spray.

I'm loving spring and I hope you are too.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Me and My Jewelry

Hi Everyone.  I'm just saying "hi" and I'm here to tell you something you may or may now know. And that's that I've been making jewelry out of silver plate platters and bowls for years.  So My shop is full of great earrings and necklaces right now.  To find out more about me and my artwork please go to